
Last Week...

I stumbled across this little slice (this blog) of my life and decided to resurrect it, if only for one post.

I have had an amazing time in Rapid City. This town has been very kind in introducing me to many interesting and assorted people. From working with people from different continents and backgrounds at the Alex Johnson to spending 45% of my waking hours in the Brass Rail Lounge, I have made many lifelong friends. I have also gotten to know one person much better than I did before I left my hometown of St. Joseph, myself. This would not have been possible without the amazing people in my life from both Rapid City and St Joseph.

Soon, it will be time to say goodbye, yet again. I will be starting the next chapter of my story in a new town filled with possibilities and new people. Even though the lives that have touched mine may not see the whole story, believe me, it is always getting better because of them.

- The C-U-D

By the way, that one paperclip guy got his house. Sooooo... yay.


one red paperclip

one red paperclip
Really cool...


I'm Gonna Flip Out Like a Ninja!

The link above begs the question: "Can something be rather stupid, yet rather good?"

I think we have our answer...

WARNING - You pretty much have to have high speed to veiw this. (Either that or six or seven hours for it to load) you also need speakers...

i'm doing fine, but that's not why you come here, it's for the little gems i give you...later,

The man of many words...


Yucky hurricane

i'm not going to post anything about me, nothing has change i've done nothing writing about

my number WILL be (605) 721-5153. but it's still not connected

ANYWAY, i was thinking about domain name to buy (website names like yahoo.com or google.com) and i thought about hurricane names, ya know they wouldn't pay off for like a year or two, (nuttin' like profiting off of tragedy) but it appears someone has taken them all. that's not the reason i'm posting this. the reason is what company bought them all. they all redirect to DisasterResistant.com. now this company doesn't do much in the way of ... well, anything, but the do redirect to hurricane info and help sites. also they advertise for a product called the Elder Valve. The Elder Valve will stop back-flow from.. well, you'll find out... anyway i think the diagram at the bottom of the page is worth taking a look at. you can go to almost any hurricane's name's website like the title of this post can be clicked to take you to www.hurricanejosephine.com which will redirect you to the other site.

and with that i'll bid you adieu.



and that's it


First Week

Well, i've finally posted something...

My first week was not too bad, i got settled into my room, met all my teachers, and started to get use to my life in Rapid City. (there is nothing rapid about this city) My teachers all seem knowledgeable. (a good thing) like my algebra teacher is a math major and my accounting teacher is a registered CPA. Algebra is going to be a little rough, since i haven't had a math class in over six years. Oh well, I'll make it.

this weekend was kinda miserable... i missed all you guys. I don't know anybody here very well yet, so i just sat around my dorm room occasionally going down to the lobby to watch tv.

the weather has been nice up here. Mid to upper 60's light rain here and there... OK now i know i've ran out of things to say if i'm talking about the weather. So...



Back to the Middle of Nowhere

Here's some contact crap:

email: cuds1@yahoo.com


Jason Cudworth
National American University
321 Kansas City Street # 329
Rapid City, SD 57701

my phone won't be connected for about 2 weeks, so don't worry 'bout it. i'll update the blog when i get service, until then shhhh...

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